About ProEDIC

Innovative education
and skills development
project for secondary school youth in Mali and Spain

ProEDIC is one of the projects selected among the six priorities (Education and Skills, Job Creation and Entrepreneurship, Governance and Political Inclusion, Peace and Security, Cultures, Sports and Arts, and Environment and Climate Change) identified at the Africa- European Union in November 2017 in Abidjan, where young people expressed greater responsibility in the management and monitoring of projects.

With funding from the European Union and the Cabildo de Gran Canaria, ProEDIC with reference CSO-LA/2020/414-816, will be implemented by the Farrah Canary Foundation in Spain, as well as by the Education and Cooperation Foundation (Educo) and two networks active in the education sector in Mali, the Network of Actors for the Renewal of Education (RARE) and the West and Central Africa Research Network in Education (ROCARE). Educo, RARE, ROCARE and Farrah will be respectively responsible for the implementation of the activities in the affected areas of Mali and Spain.

❝ ProEDIC is one of the projects selected among the six priorities (Education and skills) ❞
The project focuses on improving secondary education in Mali (one technical secondary school) and Spain (two secondary schools). It will prepare students with life and leadership skills to become active citizens and equip them with 21st century skills to prepare for the rapidly evolving job market, actively engaging students in the follow-up of the project and, improve learning and teacher training through virtual and physical exchanges.
❝ The project focuses on improving secondary education in Mali❞

The general objective of the project is to contribute to improving the quality of learning and participatory and transversal skills through innovative and digital pedagogy in Mali and Spain for the employability of young schoolchildren. The following are the specific objectives of ProEDIC:

  • Strengthen the skills of teachers and innovative schools to offer inclusive and quality education based on collaborative models and participation of young schoolchildren.
  • Strengthen the organizational, learning and skill capacities of students and innovative schools.
  • Improving the quality of teaching practices and professional training through the design of adapted and inclusive teaching modules and the production of videos of good practice lessons in Mali and Spain.
  • Strengthen the skills and abilities of teachers and students through interactivity in the virtual platform (PFV) and exchange visits.

Affiliated partners: Réseau d’Acteurs pour le Renouveau de l’Education (RARE) • Réseau Ouest et Center Africain de Recherche en Education (ROCARE) (siège au Mali) • Farrah Canarian Foundation for Cooperation and Sustainable Development (FARRAH) • Lycée technique de Ségou (Mali) • Educational centers in Spain: Colegio Heidelberg Gran Canaria and IES Arucas-Domingo Rivero

As part of the start-up of ProEDIC, a diagnosis was made to define the needs of students and teachers and the good practices to be promoted at Lucée Technique de Ségou, IES Arucas Domingo Rivero and Colegio Heidelberg de Gran Canaria. (Spain).

Download the documents!

Diagnóstico Mali: FR/ES/EN

Diagnóstico España: FR/ES/EN

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